You are probably aware that window tinting can be added to car and truck windows, but did you also know it can be applied to home and office windows?

In fact, professionally installed window films can have some amazing benefits, including:

  • improving energy efficiency,
  • protecting furniture and flooring from fading
  • minimizing glare & much more

If this is new information, you may have a lot more questions about window film. While we answer many questions in our initial Window Film FAQs below you may have other questions. Simply call one of our 6 locations to find out more and get the answers you are looking for if they are not below.

How Long Do Window Films Last?

Window film can last between 10 to 25 years. This however depends on a lot of variables; such as quality of window film used, methods of cleaning, the method used to install the window film, climate, natural disasters & damage.

Will the window tinting decrease my workplace running costs?

Yes, window tinting office windows is a very common practice. It allows you to save on cooling bills as the window tint will significantly reduce the heat coming through the windows. It will also save on heating costs as it will allow you to retain heat in winter. 

Tinting your office will also reduce the glare on your worker’s computers which means they will not have their brightness setting as high. Which in turn will allow you to turn down this setting which will over time save on energy from your computers. 

Further to this and not running cost-related but it will also reduce the strain on your worker’s eyes & skin, protecting their health and wellbeing.